Morris County Uber/Lyft Accident Attorneys


Uber/Lyft Accident Attorney in Parsippany, NJ

Ridesharing services, such as Uber and Lyft, are among New Jersey residents’ most coveted resources. Thanks to these ridesharing services, people no longer have to worry about getting a safe ride home, not being able to find a taxi, or finding parking. With Uber and Lyft, passengers can easily get to and from their destinations on-demand. That being said, the unfortunate reality is that any form of transportation, including those used for ridesharing, is that there is always the chance of being involved in an accident. If you have been seriously injured either while riding in an Uber/Lyft, or while riding in another vehicle but were hit by a rideshare vehicle, you must consider your legal options. At Lutz Injury Law, our firm can help you recover the compensation you deserve after being injured in an Uber or Lyft accident. Contact our experienced legal team today to learn how we can help.

Causes of Uber & Lyft Accidents

As convenient as Uber and Lyfts are, there is always a risk when getting into a vehicle with someone you don’t know. Passengers put a great deal of trust into their drivers and hope that they are safely transported to their destinations. One of the major factors that make Uber/Lyft accidents so complicated is that the drivers who provide people with rides through Uber, Lyft, or other ridesharing services are considered independent contractors, instead of employees of the company they drive for. Becoming a driver for Uber or Lyft only requires a driver to have a valid driver’s license, an insured automobile, as well as meet a few other requirements. Professional driving inexperience can ultimately increase the possibility of an accident. Of course, many other factors can come into play, some of which include the following:

  • Texting while driving
  • Using other electronic devices while driving
  • Disregarding traffic signs/signals
  • Drunk/drugged driving
  • Excessive speeding/reckless driving
  • Driving distracted
  • Driving drowsy
  • Poor weather conditions

Contact a Morris County Accident Attorney

If you have been seriously injured in an Uber or Lyft accident in New Jersey, you must take your legal options into consideration. The experienced legal team at Lutz Injury Law has over 30 years of experience proudly representing clients across Morris County and its surrounding areas. For strong legal representation when you need it most, contact Lutz Injury Law today.

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