Can I Pursue Legal Action After a Drunk Driving Accident in New Jersey?

A person is filling a clear pint glass with beer from a tap, the frothy drink swirling beneath the logo on the glass. As attention focuses on pouring, remember to enjoy responsibly—Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys urge safe decisions to protect your future.

Drunk driving accidents can cause severe injury and even death. If you were hurt in one, do not wait to reach out to a Morris County drunk driving accident attorney.

Can an establishment be held responsible for a drunk driving accident in New Jersey?

The state of New Jersey takes drunk driving accidents very seriously. As a result, New Jersey along with many other states have dram shop laws. These laws provide compensation for victims of drunk driving accidents from an establishment if you are able to prove that they were partially responsible for the accident. Below are the following ways an establishment may be held responsible:

  • You can show that the establishment overserved an already intoxicated individual. For instance, a bartender noticed that a patron was visibly intoxicated and continued to serve them anyway. Signs of visible intoxication can include glassy eyes, slurred speech, stumbling, etc.
  • You can demonstrate that the establishment served alcohol to an individual under the age of 21.

If you are able to show that one of the above circumstances occurred and later was the root cause of an accident, that establishment may be held liable. To learn more, reach out to our experienced Morris County drunk driving accident attorneys today.

What should I do after a drunk driving accident?

It is important to note that if you have been in a drunk driving accident, you will need to show proof that negligence occurred to cause your accident. This means that you will need to obtain as much proof as possible. You can do this by:

  • Calling 911: By alerting the authorities, the police can dispatch an ambulance to the scene, conduct a breathalyzer test, and administer field sobriety tests. These tests will help define how intoxicated the driver was at the time the accident occurred.
  • Documenting the scene: Take photos and videos at the scene of the accident, documenting any damage done to all of the cars and property involved.
  • Seeking medical attention: Seek medical treatment as soon as possible to treat your injuries. Be sure to ask your doctor for a copy of any relevant medical documents.
  • Contacting an attorney: With the help of a skilled personal injury attorney, you may be able to obtain further proof of negligence, including police reports, security camera footage, and more.

Do not wait to reach out to our firm to speak with a skilled and committed attorney. Our legal team is dedicated to ensuring you obtain the compensation you deserve.


If you have been the victim of the negligence of another in an automobile accident, please contact my office as quickly as possible following the subject accident. It is important to consult with us early on so that we may begin the process of fighting for your rights in regard to any potential claim that you may have. The process is complicated and requires the expertise of a qualified New Jersey personal injury attorney. CONTACT US TODAY!

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