Can I Sue After a Truck Accident in New Jersey?


Due to an increase in productivity by the Coronavirus, there can be many trucks found on the road in the upcoming weeks and months. This makes it that much more important for drivers to be alert and careful while operating these vehicles. This is because their immense size and weight can make them dangerous. If an accident happens, it can cause life-impacting injuries to those involved. Injured parties facing these situations can pursue legal action to recover compensation with the assistance of an experienced New Jersey personal injury attorney.

What are Causes of Truck Accidents?

There are a variety of ways that a truck accident can happen in New Jersey, including the following:

  • Poor judgement: This can include speeding, reckless driving, improper lane changes, making dangerous turns, following others too closely. 
  • Distracted driving: When drivers do not give the road their full attention, they may not be able to slow down or navigate the vehicle in time.
  • Impaired driving: Non-performance errors are the third leading cause of truck accidents. This can include drivers who operate trucks under the influence, are drowsy, or suffer from a medical condition. 
  • Vehicle malfunction: When the truck suffers from a defective part or malfunction on the road. 
  • Poor conditions: When a road is not maintained or if there is inclement weather, accidents can happen.

Pursuing Legal Action

When a person is injured in a truck accident and wants to pursue legal action, they can begin by filing a personal injury claim. In doing so, they must prove the other party’s negligence by gathering evidence that shows the accident and injuries were a direct result of their behavior. The negligent party may not always be the truck driver, but sometimes a third-party. Evidence that is helpful for a claim can include medical records, a police report from the accident, pictures or video of the scene, witness testimonies, and more. If the injured party is successful, they may be able to recover compensation for any damages incurred due to the incident.

Contact our Firm

If you have been the victim of the negligence of another in an automobile accident, please contact my office as quickly as possible following the subject accident. It is important to consult with us early on so that we may begin the process of fighting for your rights in regard to any potential claim that you may have. The process is complicated and requires the expertise of a qualified New Jersey personal injury attorney. CONTACT US TODAY!

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