Wharton Personal Injury Lawyer


Though no one anticipates becoming injured due to the negligence of another person, these instances do happen. It’s imperative to understand that you are likely entitled to financial compensation if you’re injured due to the actions of another. However, it’s in your best interest to retain the help of a Wharton personal injury lawyer due to the complexity of these matters. That’s why the team at Lutz Injury Law is proud to serve those wrongfully injured in Morris County, New Jersey.

Personal Injury Lawyer in Wharton, New Jersey

Sustaining an injury because of the negligent actions of someone else can leave you in pain with astronomical medical bills. However, you should not have to bear the burden of someone else’s poor decisions. At Lutz Injury Law, we will do everything possible to fight for the justice and financial compensation you deserve.

Personal Injury Services Provided

At Lutz Injury Law Firm, we handle a wide variety of personal injury cases. Some of the claims we can assist with include, but are not limited to the following:

Auto Accident Cases We Handle

Auto accidents are some of the most common personal injury cases in New Jersey. As such, our team has experience in the following instances:

Premises Liability Cases We Handle

Unfortunately, many property owners fail to ensure their premises are safe, which can lead to slips, falls, and other accidents. If you were hurt in any of the following incidents, a Wharton personal injury lawyer can help:

What Should I Do After an Accident?

Following an accident, one of the most important things you should do is seek medical treatment for the injuries you sustained. Even if you feel okay, your adrenaline may be masking pain and some injuries do not immediately present themselves. As such, calling emergency services can help ensure you mitigate potential compensation from leaving medical issues untreated. Additionally, ensuring you establish medical care is critical if you wish to pursue compensation for the damages you’ve endured.

Contact Our Personal Injury Law Firm in Wharton, NJ

If you or your loved one has suffered due to the carelessness of another person, it can have devastating impacts on your life. As such, holding the party accountable for their actions is critical. At Lutz Injury Law, we will explore all possible avenues to help ensure you can recover the compensation you deserve. Connect with us today to schedule a consultation with a member of our firm to learn more.

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