What if I am Injured as a Passenger in a Car Accident?

A person is driving a car on a narrow road surrounded by greenery, with the speedometer reading 80. They check the touchscreen navigation system frequently, aware of how critical it is to drive safely—knowledge perhaps courtesy of advice from car accident attorneys. The rearview mirror reflects part of their face.

If you are in the car with a friend or family member, and an accident occurs, you may sustain serious injuries. Read on to learn more about passenger injuries in New Jersey car accidents. 

How Do Car Accidents Occur?

Car accidents can occur for any number of reasons. Many of these accidents are caused by negligence. Some of the most common examples of negligence include:

  • Making illegal turns
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Driving while fatigued
  • Tailgating
  • Texting and driving
  • Carelessly changing lanes
  • Speeding
  • Otherwise driving recklessly by ignoring traffic lights, signs, and all other rules of the road

Do I Have to Sue a Friend or Family Member?

If you are injured due to the negligence of a friend or family member, you may worry about taking legal action. But, if you are injured, you may need compensation in order to recover. For example, an injury can take a physical, emotional, and financial toll. You may suffer from pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, lost wages, medical bills, and more, and you may deserve compensation to alleviate these burdens. Luckily, if you take legal action, you can take legal action against your loved one’s insurance company, rather than your loved one as an individual.

Steps to Take After an Accident

After a car accident, be sure to:

  1. Call 911 right away- The police can send an ambulance, keep the scene safe, conduct chemical tests, and more.
  2. Seek medical attention- Some people skip the hospital and attempt to recover at home. This can be dangerous because it is possible to sustain a serious injury without realizing it or an injury that does not show symptoms for even days or weeks after the accident. As a result, it is important to go to the hospital, your doctor, or an urgent care facility immediately after the accident. In addition, medical documents can play a large role in a personal injury case. Be sure to ask your doctor for a copy of any relevant medical documents.

If you have been injured in a car accident in New Jersey, contact our firm today. We are here to advocate for you throughout every step of the process.


If you have been the victim of the negligence of another in an accident, please contact my office as quickly as possible following the subject accident. It is important to consult with us early on so that we may begin the process of fighting for your rights in regard to any potential claim that you may have. The process is complicated and requires the expertise of a qualified New Jersey personal injury attorney. CONTACT US TODAY!

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