What should I do if I disagree with my workers’ compensation award in New Jersey?

workers on a high beam

In New Jersey, most employers must carry workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance provides workers with cash benefits if they are injured or become ill due to their jobs. Notably, workers injured on the job are not automatically granted workers’ compensation benefits. To receive benefits, the injured worker must file a claim. Unfortunately, there are numerous reasons why a claim may be denied. If you disagree with the determination or your award, you may wonder whether you can appeal their decision. Please continue reading to learn what to do if you disagree with your workers’ compensation award and how a talented Morris County Workers’ Compensation Attorney can help you today. 

Is it possible to appeal a workers’ compensation decision in New Jersey?

Firstly, workers’ compensation is an insurance that supports employees who have been injured or fallen ill due to their job, preventing them from working. It can provide injured employees with wage replacement, medical treatment, vocational rehabilitation, and other benefits. As mentioned above, injured workers must file a workers’ compensation claim. In some cases, a claim may be denied, or an injured worker may feel they were not awarded an accurate amount for the damages they’ve incurred.

Fortunately, if you disagree with the award you’ve received for your workers’ compensation claim or your claim has been denied, you have the right to file a claim with the Division of Workers’ Compensation to appeal their decision. The case can be taken to the Appellate Court, where a judge will hear the case.

Should I consult a workers’ compensation lawyer?

If you’ve suffered a work-related injury, it is advisable to seek the guidance of an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer. If you’ve received an insufficient award, our legal team can assist you in successfully filing an appeal. Our team can guide you through the complex appeals process and ensure you file your appeal within the right timeframe. In New Jersey, you typically have 30 days from the date the final decision was made to file an appeal. With this, we can help you request an informal hearing to have a judge re-examine your case to determine whether an error has been made. During an informal hearing, the judge will ask questions about your case.

For more information about the steps you should take if you disagree with your workers’ compensation award, please don’t hesitate to contact a competent attorney from the legal team at Lutz Injury Law. Our firm is prepared to guide you through every step of the intricate appeals process and fight to obtain the maximum compensation you may be entitled to for your injuries. Allow our firm to represent your interests today.


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